Inspire Project (Kamlangjai)

The Inspire Project (Kamlangjai Project in Thai language) is a national program under royal patronage to improve prisoner welfare and social re-integration.

The Chiang Rai facility is an agri-business project designed to train and develop prisoners. Inspire Project Chiang Rai is located just west of Chiang Rai city near the central prison and south of the Kok river.

Inspire Project (Kamlangjai) Chiang Rai

The Chiang Rai prisoners grow rice, and a variety of vegetable crops. There is also a rubber tree plantation, and nursery operation with plant sales to the public.

Pigs, chickens, frogs, and crickets are all raised for food. Besides supporting a worthy cause, the site is well maintained and aesthetic. There is a boardwalk on top of the rice fields and vegetable gardens, with some strategically placed decorative signage for Instagram posing.

Inspire Project Chiang Rai has an on-site coffee shop and a restaurant, all staffed by prisoners.

Nearby Attractions

White Temple

Blue Temple

Singha Park

Wat Huay Pla Kang

Black House (Baan Dam)

Inspire Project (Kamlangjai)

Located on the western outskirts of Chiang Rai, Inspire Project is a short drive from the city and is between Wat Huay Pla Kang and Singha Park. It is also on the way out to Bamboo Nest.

Inspire Project Tours

Inspire Project Chiang Rai is not heavily featured on our regular tour routes. It is quite close to the city, so let us know if you want to visit here. (for example you could have lunch here instead of visiting Singha Park if you prefer).

Kamlangjai Thailand

Her Royal Highness Princess Bajarakitiyabha initiated the royal project entitled “Kamlangjai” (support and encouragement) with the aim to give a helping hand to those in need of opportunity in the Thai society. HRH Princess Bajarakitiyabha graciously views that social harmony will only be achieved when everybody realizes their own rights without violating the rights of others. … When the justice process is completed, those involved should once again be able to live a peaceful and harmonious life in the society.