Golden Triangle

The golden triangle is a large geographic region including parts of Myanmar, Laos, and Northern Thailand. This region has infamy as one of the largest sources of opium production in the world, especially during the 2nd half of the 20th century.

The center of the golden triangle is a point where the Ruak river converges with the Mekong river. As national borders, these rivers bring together the countries of Thailand, Myanmar and Laos at a single point.

On the Thai side of the river there are bustling markets, boat piers, and during the day there are crowds of people enjoying a walk along the mighty Mekong River.

Mekong River Boats

Taking a boat trip is one of the most popular activities when visiting the Golden Triangle. For solo travelers or small groups, the most cost effective way to get out on the water is in a long-tailed speed boat.

The speed boats are fast and loud! If you are traveling s a larger group, there are larger boats you may charter for a more leisurely cruise.

Lunch and Dinner Cruises on the Mekong River

Some of the larger charter boats can include a meal service as part of the trip.

The best time to view the river is late afternoon when the light softens, so a dinner is ideal. Once night falls, you can enjoy the light show from the new development on the Laos side of the river.

Mekong river night cruise with shore lights

Nearby Attractions

Tours to the Golden Triangle

Golden Triangle Accommodation


Imperial Golden Triangle