Golden Triangle

The golden triangle is a large geographic region including parts of Myanmar, Laos, and Northern Thailand. This region has infamy as one of the largest sources of opium production in the world, especially during the 2nd half of the 20th century.

Golden Triangle
Golden Triangle

The center of the golden triangle is a point where the Ruak river converges with the Mekong river. As national borders, these rivers bring together the countries of Thailand, Myanmar and Laos at a single point.

It is possible to take a short boat ride across to Laos – no visa is required, and your passport is held in safety on the Thai side of the Mekong river. On the other side there is a small market of minor interest, but the boat ride itself is quite fun and provides a good view of the banks on both sides as well as passing cargo boats.

Mae Sai is a border town at the northernmost point of Thailand and has some interesting markets, so this is sometimes included as a point of interest in itineraries.

Golden Triangle

The convergence of Thailand, Myanmar & Laos on the Mekong River.

Mekong River Cruise

House of Opium Museum

Choui Fong Tea Plantation

Doi Tung

Hall of Opium Museum

Mae Sai Border Markets

Choui Fong Tea Plantation is located between Chiang Rai and the golden triangle – not too far from the main highway.  Doi Tung is home to the Mae Fah Luang gardens.

The original museum at the golden triangle is 101 House of Opium. There is also a new museum called Hall of Opium.

Golden Triangle - 101 House of Opium Museum

Golden Triangle Tours

Golden Triangle Accommodation

Imperial Golden Triangle

Golden Triangle Transport Services

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